In a world filled with exclusive email offers, BOGO sales, haul videos and monetized Instagram posts, it’s easy to get wrapped up in buying things that you don’t necessarily need. This is the reason behind, and the complete opposite of, a minimalist lifestyle. Now, to be clear, I’m not advocating radical minimalism. When I talk about a minimalist lifestyle, I’m not talking about downsizing to a 400 square foot micro-home with one plant in the corner. I’m just talking about finding ways to live with less. I’ve become a lot happier as I’ve started following these concepts, and when I talk to other people, I know that it makes a difference for them too. So, if you give this minimalism thing a try, I hope you’ll notice that there’s a difference in your overall happiness too.
Quantity vs Quality
When you’re making a buying decision, always think about quantity versus quality. Quantity means you’re buying something because it’s cheap or replaceable, and you can buy a lot of it for a little. Quality means you’re buying something that will probably cost you more at the beginning but will last you much longer. That long-term investment, that’s what minimalism means to us—buying for quality and keeping it for a really long time. I’ll give you an example. I had an old knife. It was a terrible knife. It couldn’t cut anything, but it was my kitchen knife and it was really inexpensive so I could replace it once a year. A number of years back I decided—you know what, for my birthday I’m going to treat myself and I’m going to buy a fabulous chef knife! And that’s exactly what I did, and I’ve had that knife for 4 years now. I take great care of it and I really love it. Yeah, I spent a lot of money on it, but it works great, I can keep it forever, and I’m no longer wasting money and disposing of those cheap knives.
One-Time Use Items
Buying something for one specific purpose can end up not only costing you money, but you also have to store something that you don’t use very often. It’s that “Maybe one day I’ll need that thing” syndrome, and realistically you never end up using it and it just clutters up your space. I’ll give you a perfect example: A couple of years ago, Chad and I joined Lucas and his wife at a cottage that they had rented up north. We had all these grand plans of going out on the lake, so naturally, we bought life jackets. Well, guess what? We’ve had those life jackets in our garage for 2 years now. The kicker? While we were at the cottage, it rained the entire time so we never ended up using them in the first place! Those life jackets are just taking up space, so Chad and I are just going to donate them and move on.
1 In, 2 Out
You’re probably familiar with the 1-in 1-out rule whereby any time you bring something new into the house, you get rid of one item. Essentially you’re performing a 1-for-1 replacement, which helps you net out with no additional clutter. However, if you actually want to reduce the amount of stuff that you have at home, and live that more minimalist lifestyle, Chad came up with a 1-in 2-out rule for minimalism. So, if you pick up a new book, you get rid of two old books. If you get a new pair of jeans, you replace two old pairs with that one new pair. It’s actually a pretty great idea; it really forces you to think before something comes into the house, and the new thing needs to be really great.
Get Rid of Duplicates
We’ve talked about duplicates before, but it’s for a really good reason! The more doubles, triples, quadruples of items that you have, the more clutter you have to deal with. We’re big proponents of this, and it’s something we’re really mindful of on a daily basis. We often come across duplicates and extras of things, so we try and centralize everything and get rid of the ones that aren’t great. Think about things like wine and bottle openers, scissors, pens, screwdrivers… all that kind of stuff. If you have duplicates, pick the best, and get rid of the rest!
The 6 Second Rule
We’ve all heard of the 5-second rule, well, now there’s a 6-second rule for minimalist living. Pick up and item and ask yourself, “Do I need this? Do I use this? Do I love this?”. If after 6 seconds you can’t answer yes to any of those questions, then you probably don’t need that item anymore.
That Hobby Life!
Sometimes we take on hobbies that require us to have items, supplies or equipment. Lucas, a producer here at Clean My Space, used to play hockey. He also lives in a condo so he’s short on space. So he brought us his hockey gear one year and says, “Guys, can you keep my hockey bag for the summer, and I’ll come pick it up when the season starts?”. Well, this was years ago and for whatever reason, he hasn’t played since. Guess what? That hockey equipment is still in our garage. I’ve talked to him about it and he thinks, “Well, if I got rid of the hockey equipment, it would mean that I’d never play hockey again!” The truth is, that’s not the case. There are always options, but storing this type of stuff for years is not the answer! This doesn’t only go for sports gear, think about musical instruments, crafting hobbies, scuba diving or even board games. There are so many hobbies that come with large and/or expensive equipment which we don’t want to part ways with. We have the best of intentions, but we don’t end up using it and it minimalism abhors clutter.
Shop Critically
If you want to start living with less, you have to bring less into your home, period. So when you’re out there picking items up, I know it’s easy to get sucked into a BOGO, or a sale, or a combo pack. But stop and really consider what it is that you’re bringing into your home. Do you need all of that stuff? Chad and I for the past few years have been challenging the other person when we’re out shopping, “Are you buying this because you need it, because you like it, or because it’s on sale?”. If the other person irrefutably needs and wants that thing, sure, let’s get it. But I can’t tell you how many times both of us have said, “You know what? I actually don’t need this”, and we just put it down. It’s literally that little pushback, that extra second of critical thought that can make all the difference.
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Cleaning our home is a necessary nowadays. Decluttering your things from those useful to not necessarily needed will not only make your home look nice and clean but also much more spacious.
While scrolling through youtube, I found some of your videos on how to clean. I was hooked. Now I’m trying to declutter my house so that I can go minimalist. These are great tips, but i’m wondering what to do with all the unwanted material. I feel bad throwing some stuff away, considering that my parents saved everything because “one day we might need it and it beats having to go out and buy a new set.” I’ve started a box to donate. It’s more difficult than I expected, so i’m starting with my kids baby clothes. It served it’s purpose, but the sentimental value it holds for me is difficult. I’m donating most, but keeping a very small amount mainly because they might not care when they’re older, then again they might feel I didn’t care so i’m keeping a small few just in case, plus it’s meaningful to me.
After watching your DIY cleaners video I spent all afternoon yesterday cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. It was so fun! Unlike you I actually like to clean because it’s so rewarding. Today I watched the Day 3 video and your minimalist videos. Covid-19 has forced me to stop shopping at Costco which has done wonders for my “impulse large volume” buying. One good outcome I guess, it’s forcing me to be a minimalist! Been watching all of your videos and getting so many tips for decluttering and cleaning those rooms we seldom go into, and the “junk” drawers. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom.
I am 72 years old and have always been a minimalist; so, you can imagine how much I LOVE your video! I discovered your link only today and have subscribed so I can view all of your tips… which you deliver in the most fetching way!
I am practicing minimalism from the past 2 years and still enjoying it without bore.. These tips are definitely helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the tips!
I am forever guilty with duplicating things at home. I don’t know exactly why but I just always have this gut feel of it being useful in the future. XD
Same here. I might need it in the future and I got if for such a deal!
Now i’m trying to “untrain” myself from that way of thinking. That was my parents way of thinking so, it’s been difficult to let go because although i know i do not need it right now. Maybe down the line i might need it hehe
Exception to having no duplicates: Lately we, I and another friend of mine, met at a friends house because we took turns teaching each other a traditional favorite dish to cook.
My friend had only one vegetable peeler and only one pairing knife. I have duplicates at my house and like it that way. I often have friends over and we cook together and I like that multiple people can gook at the same time. The same goes for having kids involved in the cooking.
It doesn’t mean that all the peelers and knives are a personal favorite? No, but all are good – no reason keeping things that don’t work. So my rule is, all tools that are kept have to be very good, and spare tools are only kept if it is likely that multiple people will do the same task at the same time. Multiple people will maybe peel potatoes, at least if you happen to cook for 20, but only one person will use a steamer.
Thanks for your great ideas. I’m definitely struggling with getting organized, and having less stuff in my home. Appreciate your time and thoughtful remarks about what to keep, and what to get rid of – donations are a great way to pass your treasures (the ones that you haven’t used for years).
I love all of your tips for simplifying life and home. Please keep ’em coming!
What is the one knife you use (make/model)? I need to purge my knives, but I don’t know what to replace them with.
Hi Elizabeth – I’m curious too. I can’t seem to live with only one knife, I do have two favorites
a Pampered Chef one that comes in a self sharpening storage thing (white part that covers the blade when storing and when you want to use it you press the black lever thing to help release it’s a 6″ blade); and my new knife that I just fell in love with (like I needed another knife; my sister just gave it to me) is a “‘copper knife stays sharp forever” I’ve only had and used this one for a few months and I seem to use it a lot, salads, tomatoes, fruit, veggies, it’s made by TEKNO (china), still have my paring knife for coring fruit, my other knives seem to large for small work and the second knife works pretty well for chopping carrots small so it’ll work on chopping nuts for other recipes where my Pampered Chef one would be way too much work. I can’t image having only 1 (one) knife to do it all. I have so many other knives but these seem to be my current favorites; so all in all we probably use at least a dozen different ones, my daughter has her favorites and mine aren’t her favorite (pretty funny how that works).
I had to move quickly and put most of my stuff in storage while transitioning to move to another state etc. I got rid of TONS of stuff I used this as my guide. I’ve been living in transitional housing with a minimal amount of stuff for the past 4 months and I’m even re-thinking what I have in storage and if I truly NEED that stuff…I’m hoping that I can keep it up moving to my new home with a cleaner slate.
Something I’d like to see ideas on organizing a pantry because I’m going from having a big butler’s pantry to one of those regular tall kitchen cabinet pantries that go floor to ceiling in a modern kitchen. and a LOT less counter space 🙁
I like your logical thinking about the “stuff” that is around the house.
LOVE your site and I think I’ve watched every video. I recently embraced the minimalist lifestyle and the stress relief is amazing. I’ve been unemployed for the first time in over 20 years and have used my time wisely. I’ve de-cluttered every room and closet in my house. For a while, the donation truck was at my house every week. Thank you for all your tips and ideas (and your home-made cleaning product recipes – my newest “try”). Keep the ideas coming!!!
P.S., I am in the middle of your book!!